The Mu Iota chapter house has been home to Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Idaho since 1920. The Alpha Kappa Epsilon House Corporation members and the undergraduates have done a credible job of maintaining the house with minor projects, but the last significant renovation was completed in 1965. The time has passed when small projects can counteract nearly a century of use. Thanks to a significant capital fundraising campaign, the following improvements are planned:
Retain historic architecture
Lower and resurface driveway, landscape for better water drainage
Replace north wing roof, clean and reappoint the exterior brick
Paint and reside portions of the north wing
Build new deck, replace gutters and downspouts where needed
Provide a second route of egress from the south wing
Upgrade windows and exterior doors
Install sprinklers and fire-rated, self-closing doors
Paint and re-carpet throughout
Install new lighting and finishes throughout
Update electrical/data/mechanical/plumbing systems as necessary
Remodel all restrooms with new fixtures
Restore library, living room, and dining room
Upgrade advisor’s suite
Upgrade furniture
Upgrade kitchen equipment
Update facility for ADA accessibility